Technicolor, 2020. Hand Coded Website.


This website was created as a tool for girls of color to come and explore different women of color in the technology field. It was created using bootstrap, HTML, CSS, and Javascript. There are simple samples of different coding languages for the girls to try when they go to the page of a specific woman.

Albers: Beyond the Box Model, 2018. Hand coded website

In this site, I explore experimental linking of pages and art styles. Each page is connected to the next in a never-ending cycle. It starts with an Albers’ color study with squares on contrasting backgrounds to show that they are the same color. The next few pages explore positioning divs to make the page appear to be moving, how much of a color is too much to make colors appear unattractive when paired, and placing circles inside of squares to interpret an image. The last two images are the most interesting to me; one shows a circle that is led around the image and the image moves to accommodate the circle; the next is an image made entirely of circles.

Bounce, 2018. Maya rendered video

This is an animated and rendered 3d ball bouncing off a platform into a spinning wheel and eventually thrown across the area. I incorporated bounce, stretch, and pull movements on the ball.

Dark Theme, 2019. Coded  user interface.


This is a dark theme and buttons I created for the website for the National Modeling and Analysis Center (NEMAC). I experimented with the color scheme, usability, and visibility for the users to create this subtle theme with dark-grey hovers. I also coded the theme to be mobile friendly.